March 08, 2011

Friends and Fortune Cookies

We could sit around and talk for hours, Christine and I. We've been friends for a long time, since both sets of our twins were babies. Yesterday we met for lunch at Fire Bowl (my first time there. Hello? Why hasn't someone told me about this place before? Yum!!). We needed to catch up ... it had been too long since we'd seen each other, and I missed chatting it up with my friend.

Since we met when I was pregnant with my son, Christine has seen me through different phases in my life. She's seen me in total mom mode, with three small children, diaper bags, triple stroller -- all of that, in tow. She's been there to see me go through those early years of mommyhood with kids in preschool, and eventually the elementary years. She has seen me go through some losses I've had, both good (i.e. my weight loss several years ago), and bad (losing some of my family). And she's been there, to be my friend, all that time.

Christine has also always been there to support me in my creative and business endeavors. One day having coffee about a year or so ago, she pointed out to me how busy I was getting with my photography business and how far I'd come along. I've said in earlier posts that, like many new business owners, I started out with a bit of self doubt. That conversation made me stop and think. Yes, I guess I had come a long way. With the encouragement of family and friends like Christine, I had begun to believe in myself, and it was finally starting to pay off.

Yesterday at lunch, we're eating, chatting, laughing, and I get up to get more water and a couple of fortune cookies. Had to open mine right away to see what it said. I know the words are pretty generic per fortune cookie standards, but I thought it was so fitting that I got this message while I was with Christine. Yes, I had to take a picture of it too. :)

Good friends, good food and good fortune ... nice way to start the week, right? Happy Tuesday! -- S