March 10, 2011

Random Ramblings

Every once in a while, I will ask the kids, "what should I write about today?"  Annemarie usually suggests the same two things.  "How about another Sasha post?", she asks, or "more randoms, please."  Sasha was not in the writing mood today (still in feisty mode this morning), so here goes with the randomness.  Here are ten more randoms about me.

1. I love quotes.  You may have already figured that out about me, given the number of quotes I post here and on Facebook.  I have them scribbled everywhere!

2. I like to shop.  Okay, yes, many of us girls do.  But while I enjoy shopping in general, I really like bargain shopping instead.  Getting a good deal on sale, using a coupon (and yes, I've been known to frequent a thrift store or two), is way more fun for me.

3. I like dandelions.  They're not so pretty, I know, but I like to make a wish and see the little 'petals' blow into the wind.

4.  I'm terrified of bees and scorpions.  I'm a Texas girl, and generally speaking, I'm not afraid of bugs and critters.  Except those two.  Having experienced being stung by three yellow jackets in the face at four years old, I'm sure you can understand why I hate those little buggers, so to speak.  Scorpions ... ugh ... just really gross me out.  I mean, seriously, I see one and there may be screaming at epic levels.  

5.  I wish I could draw and paint.  It's all part of the arteest in me.  I know I could take classes for this, but do I REALLY need another hobby?? Crochet and cooking are my other artistic endeavors of choice.  And that's enough for now.

6.  I don't wear a watch.  I like them.  Used to collect them.  But my love for bracelets overpowers my need for a watch, so I opt to use my cell phone to tell time instead.  Need more room for bracelet bling, you know.  

7.  My signature scent.  For about 15 years, I only wore Opium.  It was gifted to me once as a teenager, and I loved it ever since.  I still like it now, but it was time for a change.  I like Chanel No.5 and Burberry Brit, but because I'm on the frugal side, I usually wear Sensual Amber from Bath and Body Works instead.  Love it!

8.  My anthem song.  Little Wonders by Rob Thomas.  I love just about anything by Rob and/or Matchbox Twenty, but this song hits close to home for me.  It so well describes my life about five years ago.  

9.  I hardly ever polish my nails.   I have nice fingernails. And I have a huge collection of nail polish.  But it's pretty much reserved only for pedicures.  I have never been able to keep up with polish on my fingers.  It starts chipping way too fast for me.  I just don't bother.  

10.  I recently got back on a "diet." Which basically means stop snacking.  Lost 2 whole lbs.  I guess I need to figure out what to give up next.  Please don't say Starbucks either.  That would just make me sad.  :(

Would love to hear some randoms about you too!  Have a great Thursday!  -- S

"I am a firm believer in serendipity -- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along."  -- David Levithan