March 09, 2011

Guitar Girl & Bella

My Annie -- she's a pretty happy girl. She's easygoing, sweet natured, and really smart.  It doesn't take much to make her smile ... a funny joke, a little free time to read or draw, hanging out with her friends, and of course, chocolate (hey, she's MY daughter, right?). One of the things that really makes her smile? Her beautiful Bella.

Sure I've taken pics of her in her gigs with Speed Limit 180 with her guitar, but not like in real photo shoot kind of way. I realized that it's been a little over a year since she has had Bella, and I wanted an update of Annie's pics with her. Her guitar skills have grown and improved in the last year. Sometimes when she's practicing at home she surprises me with how far she's come along in the three years she's been playing. In looking at some of her pictures with Bella a year ago, I realized she really doesn't look like the little girl holding a guitar anymore. Now at almost twelve and more of an accomplished musician, she's become quite the young lady. So proud of my girl!

Here are some pics I took of Annie with Bella this past weekend. Have a great Wednesday! -- S

“My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.” -- Joan Jett

Annie and Bella, on a windy day.
Love her smile and the way the sun was highlighting her hair.
Love both of these, but I think the one on the right is definitely a new favorite.  Read on to hear more about this pic ...

The picture on the left, is also a new fave. Besides her expression, I love that Bella's pattern really shows in this one.  It's one of the reasons Annie picked her.
The sun was starting to go down, and the wind was blowing a little harder.  She pushed her hair away, and WOW!  Hair on fire!!

Lost in a serious moment here.  Yes, Annie loves her Bella, but in these other pics, why was she smiling so much?  Here's why ....

Mmmm hmmm ... yes, meet Corbin, her boyfriend.  He's a sweetie, and was great in helping me carry a lens around and in making her laugh.  :)