March 23, 2011

Ticket to Ride to SXSW

This past Saturday, after being out in Houston most of the week, we found ourselves in the rare situation that we didn't have a gig, music practice, or a game to go to.  We were like "Whaaaatt? This is so weird." But we took full advantage of the day and decided to head downtown to get a glimpse of Austin during SXSW time.  What was kind of cool, though, was that we got there by train.  We drove to Cedar Park, left our beastmobile (my Excursion), jumped on a train (literally -- we were almost late!), and got dropped off right on 2nd St.  It was pretty sweet!

We walked around a bit, had lunch, and caught a little music here and there.  Oh, yeah ... and I took pictures.  Surprise, surprise, right?

Austin is known for its music and its eclectic, keep it weird style.  Not to disappoint, there was certainly some of that going on during SXSW.  But it makes for great pics!  Check them out below...

Have a great Wednesday!  -- S

Annie, Chris, Kate and Jon on the train ride.  Okay, yes, it was crowded, but we didn't care.  Sure beats driving and finding a parking space downtown!  

I think this A was meant for Austin, but of course, Annie had to stand by it too.  Kind of "it's all about me" thing!  I liked this wall in a local coffeehouse.  So reflective of the Austin music scene.

I've said before, every time I go downtown, I MUST take a picture of the Frost building.  I don't know what it is about it, especially because I'm not an architecture photographer, but I just like it.

These next two pictures were chalk images someone drew along 6th St.  Slightly edited for some color pop, but otherwise unaltered.

Annie and Kate, standing outside a new favorite store of theirs, Wild About Music.  It was so crowded on this sidewalk, so I had to work fast to snap this picture.

The kids wanted to stop for a little bit of frozen yogurt, and we found a little shop on 2nd St.  This collage wall was designed by the owner.  It may be hard to see it from here, but it was really pretty awesome.

Kate had a small casualty on the way back to the train and stubbed her toe pretty badly. She was a trooper and kept on going with a smile on her face, but when we got back on the train, she rested on her dad pretty quickly. Fun day, but yes, they were a bit tired once we got home.