April 27, 2011

All of Us | Then & Now

One of the things I love about pictures is how a good, but seemingly not so meaningful photo can later become so much more over time.  These are the photos that in the long run, tell a story.  Looking back at photos that show repeated patterns, or even how some things change (or not,  for that matter), is always interesting to me.  

I started looking through some old pics of my own family and was struck again by that same phenomenon:  how in the grand scheme of things, some things never change.  Some of these photos you’ve seen before, but perhaps looking at them in a “then and now” kind of way will change your perspective of them, like it did mine.

Have a great Wednesday!  -- S

"The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same." -- lyrics from “Put Your Records On” by Corinne Bailey Rae

Annie at 3 yrs old, guitar in  hand.  And again, with her Bella, just this past month.

My son has literally been around baseball practically since birth!  Chris at about six months old, at the Dell Diamond at a game, and again just this past month with his team.

My songbird child.  Kate at 2 years old, just singing along, like she always has and still does.  Her again just last month at the rodeo, in her feature song with Speed Limit 180.

Jon, always quick with a smile and a joke to make me laugh.  :)

Me, at two years old, with .... (no surprise here) ... a camera in hand.  Yes, it was a toy, but you get the idea.  

Sasha, the fluffy feiststress last August at just two months old, and her ready to get her freak on just last night.