April 28, 2011

Kate | Make You Feel My Love

It’s just a part of her.  No doubt, my girl was born with every musical gene in my family that unfortunately, skipped right by me.  She drums. She plays clarinet.  She’s learning bass guitar.  And just about everyday, she has to spend a little time with her two first musical loves -- singing and playing the piano.  Yes, that’s just a part of who she is.

When the girls were babies and we were out on errands in the car, I noticed that they would usually fall asleep to this one song -- Garth Brooks’ “Make You Feel My Love.”  If it was getting close to nap or bed time and they needed a little help going to sleep, I would hum the song to them.  This was particularly so with Kate, who has always had a little more difficulty falling asleep.  (She’s not called Up Late Kate for nothing!).  For these reasons, it’s always been a song that holds a special place in my heart.

More recently, Kate has discovered the music of Adele.  We LOVE her voice!  When I heard her version of this special song, I wanted Kate to hear it right away.  Within a few hours, she downloaded the chords, transposed some things to fit her voice, and was playing along and singing it.  I HAD to video it, and share it here.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! (Oh, and please forgive our old squeaky piano bench.)

Have a wonderful Thursday!  -- S

"I could make you happy
make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love."

-- lyrics from "Make You Feel My Love" by Garth Brooks & Adele