May 18, 2011

Brogdon Braggin' Rights

I know ... I do this often.  You'll probably say, 'there she goes, bragging on those kids again.' But it's my blog post, and I'll brag if I want to!  And this is something of which to be proud.  Today, my daughter Annie received an Outstanding Math Student award on her sixth grade team (which is a third of the entire sixth grade at her school, and the largest sixth grade team).  She was in an accelerated math program this year, and has been diligent in maintaining her A average.  I was thrilled when I received her text at lunch time today when she told me the news!!

So, cut a proud mom some slack, and check out my girl's award!  We'll be celebrating it (and her/Kate's birthday) this weekend!  

To my Annie B. --  words cannot describe how incredibly proud I am of you today, and everyday.  I mean, seriously, when you text me the news, I wanted to get up and dance a little happy dance for you.  Oh, and post it on Facebook, like immediately!  But I waited for you to tell your dad yourself, and to take a few pics of you with your award so that everyone else could see how awesome you are!  Love you to pieces, sweetheart! -- Mom