May 16, 2011

A Peaceful Easy Feeling

Last week was super busy.  This week?  Not looking like it’s going to be much different.  Winding down school for the kids, winding down baseball for Topher (that’s ChrisTOPHER’s baseball name), band performances, my girls' birthday, and finishing up several photo projects all promise to keep me hopping this week.  It was a late night for me last evening, trying to plan my schedule and all the stuff I gotta do.  And an early morning today, getting the kids off to school.  But as I was having a second cup of coffee to get me going (I hardly ever do that, but today, I need jet fuel!), I looked over and saw her -- Sasha, just kicking back and enjoying the peace and quiet in the house.  

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking.  Normally, I write about her feistiness and attitude, but today, I thought I’d show you a side of her that you don’t normally get to see … one with a peaceful, easy feeling.  And it reminded me that despite how busy the week may get, keeping everything in perspective is the key.  

That’s my story for the week, and I’m sticking to it.  :)

Have a great week, and a great Monday! -- S

"cause I got a peaceful easy feeling, and I know you won't let me down,  'cause I'm already standing on the ground." -- lyrics from Peaceful Easy Feeling by The Eagles