June 29, 2011

All Is Right In The World Again

Poor little dude. It was a rough week for him. He started out with just a mild cough, but then it turned into a little more. More congestion, more coughing, more fever, just more yucky stuff! Chris missed all his baseball practices for his last week of All Star baseball, and unfortunately had to miss his last games too. You know what I knew it was bad? When he stopped eating. My big bruiser boy barely touching his food? Oh yeah, we were off to the doctor alright. Three times in one week, in fact. SO. NOT. FUN.

But after several meds and a little time, Chris seems to be back to his normal self. He's eating again, his spirits are up, and telling his very LONG, LONG stories that seem to go on endlessly.

Yep -- all is right in the world again.  

Have a great Wednesday evening! -- S

Finally, my boy is all smiles again.  And so am I.  :)  Photo taken with my iPhone.