June 21, 2011

A Feather In Their "Cap"

I guess I have to face it sometime.  My girls are twelve now, and growing up way too fast.  Sure, I've known that for a while, but it just seems that all the reminders are there ALL the time now.  Their changing voices, their occasional moodiness, constant texting, talking to them only to realize they have headphones on, not to mention just simply their facial features that have changed to reflect the more mature young ladies they've become.  Kate is now 5'2" (only 1 inch shorter than me), and Annie is finally catching up at 5' even.  My beautiful baby girls -- going into 7th grade and becoming quite the teenagers, for sure.

Yesterday, we had another tween rite of passage occur.  They got feathers in their hair.  I was impressed at Kate in particular, because she saved money up for hers to be done.  Annie?  Well, she's got a lot of chores to do instead.  haha!!!  Anyway, I thought these turned out pretty cool.  Take a look below!

Have a great Tuesday!  -- S

Annie chose two strands of green, her all time favorite color!

Kate (who clearly did not want to be disturbed from her marathon texting -- haha) chose
a black and white stripe and a blue feather, so it could be seen in her blonde highlights.

Photos taken with my iPhone.