June 27, 2011

Off To A Bad Start

Oh yeah, she's got a look alright.  For most of you who have seen my dog, you might say, "oh, she's so cute!!", and "OMG, she's so adorable" when she's all over you trying to get you to rub her belly and pet her.  My puppy girl, is -- gosh darnnit -- pretty much all that.  But allow me to show you another side of her you don't normally see.  The side of her that looks like she hasn't had her morning coffee, that's very Greta Garbo "I just want to be left alone!-ish", and that looks like she's trying to channel her inner Doberman.  See for yourself!

Yep, that's how we're starting the week.  I've got a bad feeling about this.

Happy Monday anyway!  -- S