December 03, 2011

A Cougar Weekend

Today, my alma mater had their first loss in football, 12 - 1. Still a great season, but obviously we’re disappointed in the outcome of the game.  Although we were just in Houston for Thanksgiving last week, we came in again for just a short trip for the game.  Crazy?  Maybe so. But we really wanted to make it in this event.  For us, yes, but also for a longtime friend of ours who passed away earlier this year.  We went to so many University of Houston football games together with him, and we felt like it was important to be at this game for him. We missed you today, Raj!

We took a quick walk around campus on our way into the game.  I hadn’t been at the university in some time, and hadn’t seen some of the new things around the school.  Yes, I had some nostalgic moments, reminiscing about which classes I took in this building or that one, or when I worked on campus, or the time Jon and I pretty much ice skated on way to our cars after a bad weather day.  Good times, good times!  

Do I wish we’d won?  Oh yeah!  But today was still a great day, remembering our friend and our times at UH, and another day of memories with our family.  GO COOGS!

Have a great Sunday!  -- S

A family pic by the cougar at the Cullen building.  

My sis-in-law Kathleen & her husband Fred -- die hard Cougar fans! 

Annie & Chris, getting ready for the game.

My dad-in-law & mom-in-law are big fans too! 

Christopher's Coog tattoo, complete with freckles.  :)


I went up to the top of the stadium for this shot of the Houston skyline.  

I want this hat!!

Speaking of good times, I remember these days ...


Another shot of the Houston skyline, from a Houston Midtown parking lot.