December 23, 2011

Christmas Scenes From Our House

Every Christmas, we spend the holidays in both Austin and Houston. It’s not always the easiest thing to do, splitting our time in both places. But with family and friends in each city, it’s totally worth it. We enjoy some traditions in our house, and still others in Houston. We listen to Christmas songs, whether it’s on our sound system or the girls playing them on piano and guitar. We watch our favorite Christmas movies like The Polar Express and Elf. And our absolute favorite show, Merry Christmas Charlie Brown. 

One of things that my kids really love to do during the Christmas season is to have us set up our trees with the lights and garland, and then letting them decorate them with all the sentimental ornaments we’ve collected throughout the years. My mother was very big on giving us at least one ornament a year that had a special significance. I’ve tried to continue that tradition for my kids too. They like to decorate the trees while watching Charlie Brown and sipping hot cider with red hot candy, a favorite tradition of Jon’s. Don’t you feel all Christmas-y now? (Yes, I know that’s not really a word!) haha 

Here are a few Christmas scenes, from our house to yours. Have a wonderful Friday! -- S

One of my favorite new ornaments for this year.  

Kate's new ornament this year.  She's such an Austinite with her and her flip flops.  

Chris LOVES his Polar Express train.  He couldn't wait to set it up again this year.

This is Francisco, our Elf on the Shelf.  He got his name from the movie Elf, when Buddy kept saying "Francisco, Francisco ... that's fun to say." 

The kids, totally ignoring our laundry in the corner that needed to be folded, in favor of decorating the tree.  Can't say I blame them either.  :)

Chris, watching (and apparently acting silly to) The Polar Express.  This is my favorite part ... the "Hot Chocolate" scene.  

Totally acting silly with a dance slide here ... you go, Bud.  :)

This ornament was given to Jon and I the year we got married.

This is one of Annie's favorite ornaments.  It's homemade, and represents a time in my life in which I sewed a lot as a hobby.

Jon and I each have UH Cougar ornaments.  This one is his. 

This is also Jon's, one my mom gave him a long time ago.  If you know my husband at all, this one goes without saying.

My mother gave me this ornament in 1994, and it is the one I look for first every year.  I LOVE this one!

I've been crocheting since I was 12 years old, so this is another treasured one.

What can I say ... love cookies!!

Annie's new ornament this year.  She said it reminds her of our trip to Disney last year.

As tired as this dog looks, you'd think she was the one who did all the hard work and decorated the tree! Sleepy Sasha!!

December 20, 2011

A First Birthday Smash

A first birthday party … a big milestone for a little one. Well, and speaking from a parent’s perspective, a big milestone for us too. It certainly makes you reflect on how quickly the time has gone with your baby (even though those sleepless nights seem to have gone forever, right?). 

This past Sunday, my brother, sister-in-law, and many of their friends and family celebrated my nephew’s first birthday. You may remember Meredith’s maternity pics, and Connor’s newborn photos here in earlier blogs. Yep, little man is already one year old! We were running late coming into town, but I’m so glad we made it in time to celebrate with him. 

And what’s a party without cake? And a camera? Connor + cake + camera = some really cute pictures (and a big mess!). See what I mean here in the pics below! 

Happy Birthday Connor! 

With lots of love,
Aunt Sylvia 

“A one year old child is so many things - A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings, A hugger of teddies, A sweet sleepyhead, And someone to dream for in bright years ahead... “

And here's the birthday boy!
Connor's first cake smash! And yeah, it literally was a smash too.  I love the pics at the middle bottom ... "yeah, I can really do this? You're not going to tell me no? Woo hoo!" 
Chris playing with Connor, with the Pooh bear that the girls gave him when he was born.
Sweet boy!

December 13, 2011

A Music Night At The Round Rock PAC

As my daughters would say, last night was just another Music Monday. But this time, it was a bit different. Normally, my girls record a cover song of the week on Mondays and post it on their YouTube channel. Last night they performed in their school band’s fall concert event instead. 

 True to a gig night for them, things were a little harried with all the things they had going on. Annie performed with the flute section of the honors band, Kate performed with the clarinet section of the symphonic band, and they played piano and bass with the jazz band. But while the respective groups were transitioning on and off the stage, the girls also had the opportunity to perform a couple of songs on their own, and also with their band Chaotic 8. The audience seemed to enjoy their performances very much! 

It kind of all came together quickly as a last minute idea. Much thanks to the members of our Chaotic 8 band families for coming out to support the girls’ school (no, not all of the band members attend the same one). And a big thank you goes out to the girls’ music instructor, Dean Kline, for all the wonderful efforts he puts forth into making the music happen. :) 

Have a great Tuesday! -- S

Annie & Kate performed a few songs for the audience while one of the school bands was moving onto the main stage. (See their video below).

Kate is a first chair clarinet player, and took the first part of "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch".  She was recently honored by her school band instructor as a Wildcat PRIDE student for all her band efforts.  (Do I sound like I'm bragging? Maybe? Just a little?).  Very proud of my girl! 

Annie in the honors band performance.  She was standing to be recognized for her participation in the district band tryouts.

Chaotic 8 performing for the audience during more band transitions.  Yes, there's video below here too. :)

Kate on drums and vocals with Chaotic 8.  

Annie on lead guitar during Chaotic 8's performance.

'tis the season.  Just liked this image.  

December 09, 2011

A Favorite Christmas Story

At Christmas, I look forward every year to seeing all our ornaments again.  I remember each one as I unwrap them, and can tell the kids stories about who gave us this one, or where we bought that one, or why this one has special meaning.  But one of my favorite Christmas belongings is not just an ornament, so to speak.  It’s a combination of a book, an ornament, and a beautiful Christmas story.  Many of you have probably heard this before, but in case you haven’t, this is a MUST READ.  It is a bit long, so I apologize for the long post (but hey, I didn’t write it, just sharing it here).  But it is indeed well worth the read.

When we get out our Christmas decorations, I look for this book and ornament right away.  I remember reading it out loud to my mom, and choking up as I got through it.  I’ve read it every year since then, and still cry.  Maybe I’m a big softie, but I think we can all relate to this story.  

I’ll let the poem speak for itself.  I hope you enjoy it.  Have a great weekend!  -- S

A Cup of Christmas Tea
by Tom Hegg

The log was in the fireplace, all spiced and set to burn.  
At last the yearly Christmas race was in the clubhouse turn.  
The cards were in the mail, all the gifts beneath the tree.  
And 30 days reprieve till VISA could catch up with me.
Though smug satisfaction seemed the order of the day,
Something still was nagging me and would not go away.
A week before, I got a letter from my old great Aunt.  
It read: Of course I'll understand completely if you can't,  
But if you find you have some time how wonderful if we  
Could have a little chat and share a cup of Christmas tea.  

She'd had a mild stroke that year which crippled her left side.  
Though house bound now, my folks had said it hadn't hurt her pride.
They said: She'd love to see you. What a nice thing it would be  
For you to go and maybe have a cup of Christmas tea.
But boy! I didn't want to go. Oh, what a bitter pill,  
To see an old relation and how far she'd gone downhill.  
I remembered her as vigorous, as funny and as bright.  
I remembered Christmas Eves when she regaled us half the night.
I didn't want to risk all that. I didn't want the pain.  
I didn't need to be depressed. I didn't need the strain.
And what about my brother? Why not him? She's his aunt, too!  
I thought I had it justified, but then before I knew,  
The reasons not to go I so painstakingly had built  
Were cracking wide and crumbling in an acid rain of guilt.
I put on boots and gloves and cap, shame stinging every pore.  
And armed with squeegee, sand and map, I went out my front door.
I drove in from the suburbs to the older part of town.
The pastels of the newer homes gave way to gray and brown.
I had that disembodied feeling as the car pulled up and stopped  
Beside the wooden house that held the Christmas cup. 

How I got up to her door I really couldn't tell...  
I watched my hand rise up and press the button of the bell.
I waited, aided by my nervous rocking to and fro.  
And just as I was thinking I should turn around and go,  
I heard the rattle of the china in the hutch against the wall.  
The triple beat of two feet and a crutch came down the hall.
The clicking of the door latch and the sliding of the bolt,  
And a little swollen struggle popped it open with a jolt.  
She stood there pale and tiny, looking fragile as an egg.  
I forced myself from staring at the brace that held her leg.
And though her thick bifocals seemed to crack and spread her eyes,
Their milky and refracted depths lit up with young surprise.  
Come in! Come in! She laughed the words.  She took me by the hand.
And all my fears dissolved away as if by her command.
We went inside and then before I knew how to react  
Before my eyes and ears and nose was Christmas past, alive, intact!
The scent of candied oranges, of cinnamon and pine,  
The antique wooden soldiers in their military line,  
The porcelain Nativity I'd always loved so much,  
The Dresden and the crystal I'd been told I mustn't touch.
My spirit fairly bolted like a child out of class  
And danced among the ornaments of calico and glass.  
Like magic I was six again, deep in a Christmas spell.  
Steeped in the million memories that the boy inside knew well.
And here among old Christmas cards so lovingly displayed,  
A special place of honor for the ones we kids had made.  
And there, beside her rocking chair, the center of it all,  
My great Aunt stood and said how nice it was I'd come to call.
I sat and rattled on about the weather and the flu.  
She listened very patiently then smiled and said, "What's new?"

Thoughts and words began to flow.  I started making sense.  
I lost the phony breeziness I use when I get tense.
She was still passionately interested in everything I did.  
She was positive. Encouraging. Like when I was a kid.  
Simple generalities still sent her into fits.  
She demanded the specifics. The particulars. The bits.
We talked about the limitations that she'd had to face.  
She spoke with utter candor and with humor and good grace.  
Then defying the reality of crutch and straightened knee,  
On wings of hospitality she flew to brew the tea.
I sat alone with feelings that I hadn't felt in years.  

I looked around at Christmas through a thick hot blur of tears.  
And the candles and the holly she'd arranged on every shelf,  
The impossibly good cookies she still somehow baked herself.
But these rich and tactile memories became quite pale and thin,  
When measured by the Christmas my great Aunt kept deep within. 
Her body halved and nearly spent, but my great Aunt was whole.  
I saw a Christmas miracle, the triumph of a soul.

The triple beat of two feet and a crutch came down the hall,  
The rattle of the china in the hutch against the wall.  
She poured two cups. She smiled and then she handed one to me.  
And then we settled back and had a cup of Christmas tea.

December 08, 2011

Double Digits For My Birthday Boy

Today’s the big day!  My baby has finally hit the double digits … ten years old! He’s become quite the “dude”. He’s made some new friends in the neighborhood and at school, and has been spending time with his buddies. There are times on Sunday afternoons in which I barely see him because he’s out almost all day hanging with his posse.  haha. And yesterday, I picked him up from a friend’s house, only to find him outside in the front yard with several other boys playing football. Barefoot. Yeeeahhhh.  Because “Mom, the grass is too slippery to play.” Uh huh, whatever dude.  

Clearly, time with friends, and other influences are becoming more and more important in his life. This past Tuesday evening at a school choir performance was another example. He was excited to have Jon and I there, no doubt, but these pictures below kind of indicate to me that it was just as important for him to have his sisters there, because it was a musical event. Little man didn’t tell us until the last minute that he was playing the conga in a song! That made Kate so proud!!

Anyway, it seems that my baby is growing up too fast and is beginning to show signs that other influences and interests are becoming more and more important to him. That’s cool. No, I’m not happy he’s growing up too fast, but I do like that he’s becoming his own person in his own right, with friends, interests, ideas and opinions. Just part of that whole growing up thing for him, and that whole letting go process for me (well, maybe just a little anyway).

Happy Birthday Chris!  Love you, son! ♥ Mom

Chris at his school choir performance Tuesday night.  We sat on one side of the audience, and the girls decided to sit with a friend on the other side.  Where's he looking?  Not for us ... for Kate and Annie!  

Kate, the proud big sister.  Especially when he broke out a conga. 

Another proud big sis, smiling at her baby brother (who's almost as tall as her!)

Oh ... NOW he looks at us!!! Thanks Buddy! :)

Chris and a friend on the congas, getting ready to perform.

Ahhh, yes ... I know this look.  The tongue sticking out means he's concentrating.  Happens in baseball all the time.  :)

December 07, 2011

Six Years Ago Today

Six years ago today, my life took a huge turn in the death of my mother.  I miss her terribly.  She died rather suddenly, only after a month of knowing about her illness.   There's really not a day that goes by that I don't think of her in some way, and then the sudden pang of hurt sets in that she's gone. That's particularly true this time of year, when I bring out many of her Christmas decorations.  I treasure them, and I wouldn't trade them for anything, but they're somewhat a sad reminder too.  

But I know that today, she wouldn't want me to focus on her death.  Today was a special day for Kate at school, and tomorrow is my son's birthday.  You're their mom, focus on the kids, she would say.  And I will.  But just talking to her is probably what I miss the most.   I miss her -- as my mother, but also as my friend.  

Love you, Mom!  I'm wearing one of your Christmas pins on my coat today.  I know you wouldn't let me out of the house without one! :) -- S

"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us; still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts." -- Washington Irving

My mom, JoAnn Olivares Hernandez, in Houston, circa 1960. 

December 03, 2011

A Cougar Weekend

Today, my alma mater had their first loss in football, 12 - 1. Still a great season, but obviously we’re disappointed in the outcome of the game.  Although we were just in Houston for Thanksgiving last week, we came in again for just a short trip for the game.  Crazy?  Maybe so. But we really wanted to make it in this event.  For us, yes, but also for a longtime friend of ours who passed away earlier this year.  We went to so many University of Houston football games together with him, and we felt like it was important to be at this game for him. We missed you today, Raj!

We took a quick walk around campus on our way into the game.  I hadn’t been at the university in some time, and hadn’t seen some of the new things around the school.  Yes, I had some nostalgic moments, reminiscing about which classes I took in this building or that one, or when I worked on campus, or the time Jon and I pretty much ice skated on way to our cars after a bad weather day.  Good times, good times!  

Do I wish we’d won?  Oh yeah!  But today was still a great day, remembering our friend and our times at UH, and another day of memories with our family.  GO COOGS!

Have a great Sunday!  -- S

A family pic by the cougar at the Cullen building.  

My sis-in-law Kathleen & her husband Fred -- die hard Cougar fans! 

Annie & Chris, getting ready for the game.

My dad-in-law & mom-in-law are big fans too! 

Christopher's Coog tattoo, complete with freckles.  :)


I went up to the top of the stadium for this shot of the Houston skyline.  

I want this hat!!

Speaking of good times, I remember these days ...


Another shot of the Houston skyline, from a Houston Midtown parking lot.