September 04, 2009

Musical Musings

I come from a very musical family. My grandfather played the saxophone and had his own orchestra in his day. My dad played the trumpet and was also part of the band. My brother Michael plays the trumpet, was a drum major in high school and now he and his wife are involved musically in the Houston community. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit the gene for musical talent, but I did get the music appreciation part. I guess said gene skipped a generation, because now it's alive and well in my kids.

On my daughters' sixth birthday, they were given a keyboard as a gift, accompanied with the promise of lessons. Although a birthday gift for both girls, it served another purpose, specifically for Annemarie. She had been in occupational therapy for hand strength issues, and we thought piano might help. Kate, well ... quite frankly, we knew enjoyed music from her constant singing, so she was just along for the ride. Little did I know how much these lessons would change our lives.

Today, we have three musicians in our house! Annemarie, Kate and Chris now all play the piano, and they think it's cool that they get to play on the baby grand we inherited from my father-in-law's dad. Annie and Kate both sing, and Annie now also plays the guitar and flute. Recently, they became founding members of a band, called Speed Limit 180. Ten very talented kids -- five girls, five guys, three sets of siblings -- all of them, rockers!! They have their first gig scheduled next month, and we couldn't be more excited for them. I have the honor of being the band's official photographer, and every week, I get to hang with the band, rock out with them, and take their pictures. How cool is that? I tell you, it's a highlight in my week!

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend --- filled with family, friends, all your favorite things, and most definitely, music!

Annemarie and two band mates jamming to John Mellencamp's "Rock In The USA."
They sounded so awesome!

Here's one of my favorite singers and keyboardists!