April 19, 2010

A Ceremonial First Game

Baseball. It's a game of tradition. Hot dogs, the Star Spangled Banner, the seventh inning stretch, "Take Me Out To The Ball Game", and let's not forget ... the Chicken Dance! (That's Annie's favorite part!) My family has a baseball tradition too. Every year, Jon and I take the kids to the Round Rock Express Opening game. The ballpark opened up around April 2000, so we took Annie and Kate (then 11 months old), and we've been going ever since. They all look forward to it, but this year, that was especially so for Chris. The game, the peanuts, the fireworks afterward ... he likes it all!

Speaking of baseball, I must brag a bit on my little man. He's been having a great baseball season! He's hitting just about every time at bat, he's playing well in the outfield and as catcher, and is just really enjoying the game. About a week or so ago, he was named as a defensive MVP on his team, and just today, he brought home a game ball! So much fun to see him having a good time!

Here are a few pics of Chris and Jon at the game, and some cool pics of the fireworks at the Dell Diamond last Friday night.

Go Express! Go Chris!

-- S