April 20, 2010

Celebrating The Twin Bond

This past weekend, Annie, Kate and I had a fun girls' night out. Actually, it was pretty close to an all day affair. We spent the morning at their new middle school picking out their instruments for band next year, then later were off again to Guitar Center, dinner and some girly shopping. Love days like that!

Having grown up with only brothers, I missed out on the whole sister sister thing. And more specifically, I definitely missed out on the twin bond experience that I see in them. Their twinship has always been an interesting phenomenon to see. It is incredibly special and indescribable -- hard to explain to anyone not a twin or a twin parent. With Annie and Kate, despite the fact that they're fraternal and have their own distinct personalities, their magical bond can really speak volumes.

I've always said my girls are like night and day. They don't look the same, and often can be the opposite of the other. But really, there are a lot of ways in which they alike too. As babies, both girls were speech delayed, not because of any physical deficiencies, but because they had their own twin speak between them. (I guess they figured since they had each other to talk to, they didn't really need to talk to us! ha!). Both are really smart girls, with one excelling a bit more in math while the other does well in language. Both Annie and Kate are musicians, with each of them playing the same instrument (piano), and still they have their own musical pursuits too. They enjoy the same books, tv shows, movies, etc. They have mutual friends, and they each have their own. They are slightly competitive with one another, but they are, by far, each other's best friend! It is always amazing to me how you can tell one of them something, and within two minutes the other one knows about it too, because she simply MUST share it with her sister asap! And as noisy as they can be, it is in those special twin moments that it so cool to watch them just hanging out together and doing their thing.

There are several pics of the girls from our dinner this weekend. Hope Annie & Kate bring you a few laughs, as they do for me! -- S

"My sister and I, you will recollect, are twins, and you know how subtle are the links which bind two souls which are so closely allied." ~Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band

My beautiful girls, Kate and Annie, at a favorite restaurant at The Domain in Austin -- 4.17.2010

When the girls were born, we decorated their rooms in "twos", kind of like a Noah's Ark theme. I saw them do this and thought of that time. I think they're thinking more like "peace out!" :)

Annie: "Kate, do you remember the time when we ..."
Kate: "Oh yeah, I remember that!" (lots of giggles)
Mom: has no clue what they're talking about

Annie: [speaking a million miles a minute] " ... so, at Guitar Center, I saw this awesome blue electric acoustic guitar. I SO want that next."
Kate: "O-M-G! Shut up! Really? That would be way cool."
Mom: thinking .... uh-oh!

Annie: " ... and, I want to start learning how to play the drums too!"
Kate: "Oh really? Uhhh, hold on! Those are MY drums!"
Mom: thinking ... [groan] whatever! :)

Kate: "Well, I guess that would be cool. Okay! I love you sis!"
Annie: "Sweet! I love you too!"
Mom: (proud in a mommy moment, but frustrated that I missed getting this shot in focus. Oh well, love it anyway!)

Me, adding up how much my girls have cost me for the day:

Band t-shirts - $10
New drum cymbals - (you don't want to know! Let's just say, cha-ching!)
New guitar strings - $15
Dinner - $40
Girly shopping - $50

A fun day with my girls -- priceless!