April 28, 2010

Gray Matters & Seeing Red

I try to shoot something everyday. Does it always happen? Well, no, but I do try to practice with a different angle, new lighting situations, various subjects, etc., at least a little everyday.

Often, when I look at the photos I've taken on any given day, I sometimes realize that there's a bit of a pattern there. At times, it's a particular type of angle I'm going for, or maybe a pattern of lines and curves show up in all the pics I've taken that time. Yesterday, I brought out the camera to take a few pics of the new puppy in our neighborhood (check out Sonic -- he's pretty stinkin' cute). I followed up with a few random shots around the house too. When I looked at them all, I realized my pattern for this day was in the colors -- gray and red. Colors I'm often drawn to in my clothes too. (I hear that color combination is supposed to be all the rage this season ... hey, I'm actually a fashion trendsetter now! ha!).

It's a nice day here in Round Rock. Hope you're having a great Wednesday! I'm off to Christopher's baseball game tonight. Guess what colors are in his uniform? Blue, GRAY & RED.

-- S

Here's Sonic!

Sonic likes chewing. Whoa buddy! That's my hand you've got there!

Me just playing around with lighting and my 50mm.

Sitting out on the porch for a moment yesterday, I looked down at this gray yard angel. Looked like she was saying to herself "Hmmm, should I have the white wine or the red?" That's a no brainer for me .... go with the red!