May 01, 2010

A Celebratory Day for Chris

It's been a long time in the making. Christopher has been preparing for his First Communion for an entire year. He's attended religious education classes every week, learned several prayers and all the rituals that go with receiving this religious sacrament. Today, he finally completed it all and went through his First Communion ceremony (or as his cousin first so eloquently put it ... "you know, the ceremony when you get the Jesus cookie!"). Only from the mouths of babes, right??

So today, we took a few pictures after the ceremony, and followed up with a reception at our home. It was nice to have Christopher's grandparents and godparents here to help him celebrate his special day. Here are some pics of my little man, and our family during today's events.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! -- S

Here's my handsome little guy!

Jon and I with Chris, just after the ceremony. Photos taken by my brother-in-law, Fred Swain.

"Excuse me, maam, may I have my Communion certificate please?" Yeah, he's all about process and procedure, my little guy. He saw that everybody else was getting theirs so he went up and asked for his, leaving me behind. I lost him for a minute in the crowd. That boy!!

"Wellllll, that's okay ...." (mom melting at this cute face and his proud smile). I guess maybe I AM a sucker for this pretty face.

The girls congratulating their brother, and then tickling him to get him to smile.

Chris with my dad and stepmom.

Chris with his godparents, his Uncle David (my brother), and his Aunt Kathleen (Jon's sister).

Kath and the girls.

After everything was said and done and we had a moment to relax, I asked Chris "so Buddy, what was your favorite part of the day?" Chris: "I'm happy everyone came to see me today." Me: "Cool." Chris: "Mom -- you know what else?" Me: "What's that?"

His answer? Take a look ...

Really, dude? I would have never guessed. :)