May 12, 2010

Developing From The Negatives

This weekend I helped shoot an amazingly beautiful wedding. Of course not every image I produced was a winner, but overall, I felt like I got many great shots and felt good about it all. I drew upon all my experience as a photographer and was able to put it all to use at the right moments. I was confident about what I was doing, and I felt like I held my own.

So very different from a year ago.

I have a confession to make. I've always struggled with feelings of insecurity about my photography. It was a hobby of mine for a long time, and I spent many years learning the craft. My friends and family would often say how much they liked my photos, but I always disregarded their comments as " they're just being nice" while continuing to pick at the mistakes I saw in my work. But after a while, I realized those nice comments were coming more and more frequently, and I thought ... maybe, just maybe ...there's some merit to this photography thing of mine and that I should try my hand at it professionally.

As I got going in my new venture, unsure of how to start, I still struggled with feelings of self doubt. I knew I had some talent, but I lacked confidence. I would look at others' work and think "I have such a long way to go" and would get frustrated. Jon and I talked about it many times. In listening to my insecurities, he told me "Yours is a profession that takes a requisite number of mistakes. Don't be afraid to make them in order to get what you want. I'd rather see you fail at something you love, than to succeed at something you don't."

So, I kept trying and made those mistakes along the way. While I still got upset by them, I knew they were easier to deal with after realizing it's all part of the growing process. I continue to learn from other's images, not from a jealous standpoint, but more in an inspirational kind of way. With a lot of self study, practice, the help of great mentors who have taught me well, and lots of encouragement from friends and family, I am excited to see how much my photography has improved in the course of the year.

As I was thinking about sharing this photo and this blog post, I was unsure if I should do it ... revealing my insecurities this way. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to shoot this picture, and the beauty of it really inspired me. Then a friend of mine posted this quote on facebook today (thank you Rene!), and I actually caught my breath when I read it, because it said everything I'd been feeling this morning. To me, the message was clear: SHARE THE STORY. Maybe it will inspire you to take a leap forward into doing something you love.

"Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room ... so if you see darkness in your life be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared." -- unknown