June 30, 2010

A Trumpet Trio - Continued

Okay, I'm back!! After my last post, I was busy with a photoshoot, a graduation party, AND ..... a trip to Disney World! What a week it was! Such fun!

But back to my favorite trumpet trio ... this was a very special photoshoot for me. I've written many times that I come from a musical family. It started with my grandfather, who played the saxophone and had an orchestra in his day. My dad played the trumpet in that band, and it is so moving to hear him talk about the music he loves and to see the emotions it brings out in him. My brother Mike followed his footsteps and plays the trumpet as well, and has a long standing musical background going back to his high school years. My nephew Matthew, also followed suit and played trumpet in his school band. When I got to thinking about how awesome it was to have three generations of the men in my family carry on my grandfather's musical tradition, I decided that I really wanted to document this in a special way.

On Father's Day, I went to a performance from the Houston Concert Band. Both my brother and sister-in-law participated in the concert and each had wonderful solos. Afterwards, my dad, Mike and Matthew let me snap a few pics of them, and I LOVE the results! I think my cousin really said it best when she saw these photos ..."somewhere in heaven, [our grandfather] has a big smile on his face."

I couldn't agree more. -- S

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music” -- Rachmaninov

Thanks to my sister-in-law Meredith for taking this last photo of me, Mike and Dad.

Matthew is off to college this fall, and has decided not to pursue music while in school. He wants to hand off his trumpet to my son. Chris is still a little young for it, but having some experience with piano, he knows he would like to give it a try when he's a little older. He sure will have a lot of teachers around to help him out! :)

June 21, 2010

A Trumpet Trio

This is just a sneak peek at a cool photo session I had yesterday. One family, three generations of trumpet players, together for my camera! Sweet! Check out the photos below ... more to the story later. For now? Off to another photoshoot today!

Have a great Monday! -- S

June 17, 2010

A Random Photoshoot With Rebecca

She's been one of my best friends for over a decade. Always there for me, through thick and thin. We met in a neighborhood playgroup when our girls were just babies. We experienced first time mommyhood together, and were pregnant with our sons at the same time a few years later. Even with our crazy family and work schedules, two moves between us, and long periods of time without seeing each other, we've managed to remain close friends all these years.

Yesterday, we had a little lunch and some time at The Domain. It was a hot day, but I'm not sure which was hotter -- the weather or Rebecca! Check out these photos I got of her. Yes, those eyes really are that AMAZING!

Reb -- You are one beautiful lady! There is so much life in your eyes and in your smile. And I love that you let me capture that in these pictures! I know it was crazy having the kids with us during our shoot. But judging from these photos, and the fun we had, it was well worth it. Love you, girl! -- S

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." -- Marcel Proust

June 10, 2010

Graduation & Bold Beginnings

This past weekend, my oldest nephew, Matthew, graduated from high school in Houston. The kids and I drove in to see him at his ceremony. On the way in, I started thinking a lot about when he was born, being the first grandchild, and really, the first baby born into our family in a long time. I know it may sound very cliche' to say the typical things like I can't believe he's 18 already and that he'll be off to college soon. But it's true! I so vividly remember being there when he was born, and crying the first time I held him. I also have the honor of being able to say that I took his very first picture ... and that's something of which I'm pretty proud.

Matthew has grown into a very special young man. I know that he will do well in whatever endeavor he sets out for himself. He's well spoken, polite, and has a good head on his shoulders. These are some of the qualities in him I find so endearing. But more than anything, I think of the fact that he makes me laugh. And sometimes when I'm laughing with him, it reminds me of times when I was a kid, laughing with his dad, my brother David. And Matthew -- that's something I hope makes you proud. :)

So, congratulations dude!! I hope you have an awesome summer! Just remember Austin is not that far away and that you're welcome to come hang with us anytime. I sometimes end my blog posts with a quote. In the spirit of our laughs together, I thought I'd leave you with the wise words of Paul Freund: "At commencement you wear your square-shaped mortarboards. My hope is that from time to time you will let your minds be bold, and wear sombreros."

Love you lots,
Aunt S

(Left) Matthew was very active in school, participating in track, band and sports medicine. He was also active in Boy Scouts and earned an Eagle Scout award. As an active student, he knew the school principal quite well, so I was very happy to get this shot as he walked across the stage. I was only allowed to take in a little point and shoot camera, but I thought this came out well considering. (Right) Matthew after the ceremony, with diploma in hand.

Check out my gorgeous nephews! (Left) Nicholas, who is a football player and a great swimmer. This shot was taken just after the ceremony, on his way to a swim meet. I think I actually saw a gill pop just after this photo ... and our flying fish was off! (He placed first, by the way!!) (Right) Matthew, with his smile just after seeing me for the first time that day. I got a big hug after this moment!

Cousins. It's so hard to believe Matthew has already graduated. And my niece Melissa too. Two down, several more to go, and now a new niece or nephew on the way! Yes, I'm going to be an aunt again ... such exciting news for our family! :)

June 06, 2010

Butterflies Are Free To Fly

As many of you know, butterflies have a special meaning in my life. Don't want to get overly introspective about it here on my blog, but suffice it to say they have come to represent some special people in our family who we've lost. My family and I believe that while butterflies may come in and out of our lives too quickly, they always leave behind something beautiful. With that said, butterflies (and for me, particularly blue swallowtails), sometimes bring bittersweet tears to my eyes, but they, without fail, make me smile.

Today, on a simple trip to the grocery store with my favorite boy, we saw something pretty amazing. Off the side of a road, there were at least 50 to 60 monarch butterflies in a flower patch. I had to pull over and take a few pictures (only had my Canon point and shoot with me, but hey, I was glad to have something!). They were happy to hang out by the flowers, and flew everywhere when the cars drove by. Chris was pretty impressed with it all, and said it was really beautiful.

Chris wasn't even born when our first loss occurred, and was very young when the other losses took place. He doesn't yet understand what butterflies have come to mean for me. But I know that our simple, little errand trips mean a lot to him ... our mom/son time together. And after seeing the butterflies today, I know that once again, the butterflies have left behind yet another beautiful memory for us both.

“Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you” -- Nathaniel Hawthorne

June 04, 2010

A Graduation Rite of Passage

It's been a week now since school's been out, and our lives have officially moved into SUMMER mode! It's been a time of non-stop activity -- music recital, a day at the lake, kids in and out of the house, music lessons and rehearsals -- the craziness continues. But I didn't want too much time to go by without noting a memorable occasion last week: Annemarie and Kate's graduation from elementary school. Yep, my girls are moving on to middle school! Sixth grade, here they come!

Graduation an important rite of passage. It marks the end of an important era in life, and the beginning of a new chapter. Did I cry, you ask?? Well, yes, I did (sniff, sniff). Can't be helped ... I'm a mom. Part of it was because my baby girls are growing up, but it was also because I was so proud of them academically. Both Annie and Kate were commended on their TAKS tests, and both received Gold Presidential Academic Awards. You go, girls!

The kids and I are heading out to yet another graduation ceremony this weekend, for my nephew, who's graduating from high school. This time, I WILL remember that Kleenex is my friend!

Have a great weekend! -- S

Annie receiving her graduation certificate.

... and here's Kate getting her certificates too.

Annie with her teacher ....

... Kate with hers.

Had to get a mommy/daughter shot taken. Photo courtesy of Victor Lopez.

Another mom/daughter photo opp, taken by Patrice Scott.