July 29, 2010

Celebrating the Small Stuff

Another busy day today. Laundry mountain awaits. My kids' rooms look like a bomb went off. Sorting through school supplies, making sure we got it all. Music lessons, football practice and band rehearsals later. A trip to the grocery store, yet again, because I forgot something yesterday (don't 'ya hate when you do that??). Puppy proofing our house getting ready for her arrival, only to find out today that she's still feeding from her mom and is not ready yet to leave (yes, insert sad face here). But, there are a few things that have happened that have brightened my day. Just sharing the things that have made me smile ...


This whiteboard is in our kitchen, by the phone, for messages, notes, etc. Chris wrote me this note today and I wrote him back. Then the girls chimed in too. Just had to laugh!

2) The girls had their music lessons today. While Annie was off practicing her bass guitar, Kate had her vocals/piano lesson. A few days ago, she found the chords to this song and worked on it for a little while. It's still a work in progress, but I love it so far!

Kate@Music Practice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2GXn-UYFZM