July 27, 2010

The Times, They Are A-Changing

It's that familiar time of the year ... just before school starts again. Or as a friend of mine and I like to joke and sing that old Office Max commercial, "♫ it's the most wonderful time of the year!♫" :) The kids are starting to wind down their crazy summer schedules. A few less sleepovers, a more regular sleep routine, just more regimen in the house. But this year, there are a few changes ahead.

This fall, the girls are off to sixth grade. Yes, that means MIDDLE SCHOOL! (Did I just say that?) Gosh, it seems not that long ago they were heading off to kindergarten. And Chris? Well, my little dude is moving on to the third grade. Again, can't believe that either. I remember just being so happy when he got into a preschool and THEY potty trained him. Ah, yes, celebrate the little joys in life, right?

Normally, this time of year, we're focusing on getting the music lessons and a baseball schedule coordinated. This year, we have a bit more with which to contend. Besides the kids being in two different schools and the band/music lessons to handle, we're also going to have 1) middle school band for the girls (Annie will continue her flute lessons and Kate will be starting clarinet); 2) Chris playing football this fall (he's SOOOOO excited about that); and 3) our new dog added to our household! Our puppy will be here very soon and she's sure to cause a bit of an uproar. I'm sure I'll be taking and posting pics of her very soon, so stay tuned!

Here are a few pics of the kids with things from their new fall activities, and a few pics of me and our new puppy. Yeah, after a really nice summer, it's kind of cool to look forward to some exciting changes ahead.

Happy Tuesday! -- S

"Fortunately for children, the uncertainties of the present always give way to the enchanted possibilities of the future." -- Gelsey Kirkland

Football camp starts tonight!!

A little of the old and the new. New instruments on the right, but Kate always goes back to her beloved piano, and Annie ...

... to her old favorite too!

Me with our new puppy. This is the second time I saw her. Yep, fell more in love. Check out this face ... I mean, c'mon!! Seriously cute.