August 06, 2010

A Little Wine, Anyone?

Jon and I picked up a new hobby of sorts a little over a year ago. It started with a movie night at home. We decided to have dinner along with the show and wanted something a little different. I had seen some interesting wine and cheese at the grocery store, and having had this with some friends before (and secretly also just not feeling like cooking that night), I thought that might be a good idea to try again. I picked up a bottle of red wine, manchego cheese, grapes, and crackers, and thought "awesome ... THIS is dinner!"

With our busy lives and three kids, I don't always get to cook, so our wine and cheese nights have become a favorite standby. In the past year, my wine tastes have changed and developed. Reds are the preference here, and we've tried various kinds. I have to admit I've gotten a little snooty about which wines I'll drink and those I won't. (Yes, got a little wine snobbery goin' on, but life is too short to drink bad wine, right??). But no matter what, we always, always, always, save the corks!

Today, I gathered up all the corks we've saved and put them in this glass container, and well, there were a lot of them! Yeah I know, it looks bad, but hey ... it's over the course of a year and we share our wine when friends/relatives come over too ... so there! ha! ha! I think I'll keep the corks there for a while. It will be nice to look at it from time to time and think about our wine discoveries and good times with friends in our house. That, to me, is a criteria for a good wine ... it should start and end with a smile.

Have a good weekend! -- S

"Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used."
-- William Shakespeare, Othello (one of my favorites)