August 31, 2010

Remembering Nic's Birthday

One of the things I like about Facebook is that it's always there to remind you of birthdays. As I've said in earlier posts, I'm usually one to remember special days of my loved ones and friends. Today, when I signed on to Facebook there were three people with a birthday today (Happy Birthday ladies!!). But there was one more that I was reminded of too.

My nephew and godson, Nic, would have been fifteen years old today. I have many special memories of being there when he was born, when Jon and I baptized him, and reading and playing with him when he was little. In later years after we moved to Austin, we didn't get to see him as much, but I always tried to hang out with him when we were in Houston. I knew he liked playing with my kids, and liked going places and just being with them. He died almost five years ago in a car accident, and we miss him a lot!

As Nic's godmother, it was my job to keep a watchful eye over him. But now as an angel in heaven, I'm sure he's returning the favor and smiling upon us. Today, I wanted to make sure he knew I was smiling back at him. Happy Birthday, Nic ... miss you, sweetie!

Aunt Sylvia

Nic, at about a year old.

Kate, Nic and Annie, celebrating his birthday at The Aquarium in Houston -- Sep2004

Nic -- Sep2004

This was taken at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, just a few months before he passed away. It is the last picture I took of him, so it goes without saying, it is an incredibly special photo to me.

Nicholas Scott Spears
August 31, 1995 -- September 23, 2005