September 30, 2010

Keeping It Weird at Pecan St. Festival

In one of my last posts, I wrote about our move to Austin several years ago, and showed pictures from a photowalk I did with a friend. One of the things that makes Austin so unique is the whole "Keep Austin Weird" mentality we've got going on. Yeah, it IS a little different here. Weird, and pretty darn proud of it too. I wanted to take more pictures along those lines, so I thought we'd head out to the Pecan Street Festival on Sixth Street this year.

I had visions of a pretty cool photowalk, camera in hand, taking colorful and interesting shots of all sorts of artistic and eclectic kinds of things. But, Jon and I ended up taking not only our own kids, but two of their friends, including Annie's boyfriend (we're still getting used to saying that) and their lifelong friend Sarah (who now likes to be called by her middle name MacKenzie. I've decided to combine her name and just call her Smac .. haha!). Oh, and of course, most certainly not to be left behind, we took Sasha as well. So, five kids, a dog, and a heavy camera did not make for an easy photo walk. But I liked the way these photos turned out ... take a look!

TGIF everyone! -- S

A few eerie kinds of place along Sixth St., and a ghostly looking woman hanging out on the corner. Halloween has GOT to be an interesting photoshoot there!

Street musicians hanging out, doing their thing ...

Looked like a whole nautical, pirate kind of theme going on here ...

You know, I like several restaurants' fajita dishes, but I'll have to remember to try out the Bad A** ones next time I head out that way. :)

This was Sasha's first festival to go to. Judging from all the dogs in attendance, she sure had a tail waggin' good time. Check out puppy girl in the top picture ... she looks like she was getting feisty again ... telling that dog, "c,mon -- bring it!" haha. And yes, the dog on the bottom right really was PINK (this is NOT an edit, repeat, this is NOT an edit). Sasha likes being our family dog, but I know she would definitely not let me turn her into a pinkalicious pup like this one. That's just not her color, you know! :)