September 27, 2010

There's A Tiger On The Loose

He's only been asking for the last year. "Mom ... can I play football?" Me: [secretly cringing at the thought] "Well, maybe, but you're playing baseball right now, so let's wait." But Chris is a smart boy ... he waited, until sign up time came along. "Mom, can I play football this time? I can play baseball in the spring. Please??"

Again, I cringed, because the thought of Chris getting hurt in football really scared me. I know, I know ... he's built like a tank, bruiser boy was born to play ... I've heard it all. With one look at him, I've even had some friends jokingly say "dude ... can I be his manager??". But after having watched my brother getting his knee crushed when he played in high school, the thought of that happening to my son was enough for me to say no. But I could hear the disappointment in his voice, and could see it in those blue eyes that get to me way too often. I could see how excited he got watching college football, and how quickly he was able to understand the ins and outs of the game. I knew I would eventually cave and let him play ... and this season, I finally did.

So, my little man is playing football for the first time, and is L-O-V-I-N-G it! He gets excited to go to practice, works hard, and really puts in his best efforts. I have to say it's fun to see him get excited about the game, and I'm pretty proud of him!

Here are pics of his team, the Round Rock Navy Tigers, at their game this weekend. They won 18-6. Go Tigers!

Have a great rest of your Monday! -- S

There's my happy boy! :)