October 04, 2010

Football, and Hound Dogs??

It was a nice weekend. Great weather, football, a visit with my relatives, good food and wine ... couldn't ask for much better than that. I love the fall!

Just posting more pics from Christopher's football game this past Saturday. The Tigers had another good game and won! My little man was a pretty happy dude.

Would say more, but my girls are practicing their music right now, Sasha is barking, and I'm a bit tired. Might end up typing whatever lyrics they're singing ... yes, from the noise Sasha is making, Hound Dog seems an appropriate song just about now.

Have a great evening! -- S

Oh, the intense looks of these players ...

... and then there's Chris. Intense about his football, but still just talkin' away. My kids are such chatterboxes!!

This is probably my favorite shot from that day. Can we have a little celebration with that touchdown??

Well, maybe a little more celebration in the end zone.