October 28, 2010

My 10 Ghoulishly Good Reasons Why I Love Halloween

Ask most people "what's your favorite holiday?", and more often than not the response will be Christmas. Not me. I love the yuletide season, and just about everything that comes along with it, but it's not my favorite. We'll call it a very close second. Love Thanksgiving too. Strange as it may be, my favorite is ..... Halloween!! Mwaahahaha!

Yeah I know that may be a little odd, but for me, there are many reasons for this. Here are my top ten reasons I think All Hallowed's Eve just totally rocks:

#10: Picking THE costume. I have so many memories of enjoying figuring out what my costume would be every year. Judging from my childhood pictures, I'd say my gypsy outfit was my fave. (Sorry, I couldn't find this pic in my archives ... the search is still on).

#9: Loved trick or treating as a kid. Either in my old neighborhood or where my cousins lived, I knew a lot of people on both sides of town, and we always had fun going from house to house with each other.

#8: Halloween decorations. No, I don't have many up now, but life's been busy and this year October just slipped by. But my mom and I used to love to put up all the Halloween decorations, spooky music, etc., and always made each other laugh, laugh, laugh while we were decorating. Every year, I plan to head to the stores just after Halloween to buy the decorations for next year. Yay! ... more Goodwill hunting in my near future.

#7: Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. Really, no other words necessary here, right? :)

#6: The memory of my first Halloween with Jon. We'd been dating about a year already, and my mom and I decorated the house and got ready for the night, as usual. Jon dressed in a Jason mask, held a Fisher Price chain saw, and came out of the bushes from time to time, you know, as the little visitors came up the walkway. And we loved it! Just the kind of guy you want to bring home to Mom, right? :)

#5: My mom's laughter during our Halloween antics. Not just the occasional chuckles, giggles, or ha ha's. I'm talking the kind of laughing that comes from deep within, resonating from the heart, just enjoying the time together. I miss that a lot!

#4: The Great Pumpkin. As in the classic Charlie Brown DVD kind. About a month or so before Halloween, we watch it early and often. Yep, we know all the words in the script too.

#3: My mother's in law's chili tradition. Every year for Halloween, she made chili. I've taken this tradition and expanded on it to block party status. Read on ...

#2: Halloween Block Parties. When we moved into our new house, it was just before Halloween. That night, I made chili and cornbread, as per the tradition, but shared it with my neighbors and friends. Now that I'm known as the Queen of Halloween on the block, it's something we've done ever since. I just love my neighbors!

#1: And my number one reason ... my kids now LOVE Halloween! And everything that it has become for our family. The pictures, the food, the stories and the memories -- all have become so special to Annie, Kate and Chris. I love that they share this favorite holiday with me, and that they'll carry this with them always. Like Mom and me. ♥

Here are several pics from Halloweens past. Have a spooktacular evening this Sunday! -- S

Kate: "Don't you just love my witchy accessories?"

Fishy crackers were a favorite staple in this little witch's diet back then. :)

My Pumpkin Boy.

My two kitty kats and Capt. Jack Sparrow.

Annie, watching our old favorite, The Great Pumpkin, in the driveway at our neighbor's house. And reciting just about every word too.

This monster bride wants you to pucker up! :)

Beware the kiss of this spider woman!

Hmmm ... this guy looks familiar. Have we met before?

A blast from Halloween past ... me as a devil at a Halloween party at the University of Houston, 1983.

Yes, Kate can be a lot like me, right? haha. Here she is with our own little angel neighbor Meghan.