December 08, 2010

Happy Birthday, Santa Baby!

I remember it being a very busy, crazy day. It was Friday, Dec 7, 2001, and I was nine months pregnant. Anxious and uncomfortable, needless to say. The Braxton Hicks labor pains had started a few weeks beforehand and I was quite frankly, a little nervous and ready for this baby to arrive.

Christopher's due date was actually not until Dec 20, but given his size, time of year, doctor's schedule, etc., we had already decided a c-section would be performed on Monday, Dec 10. My mom was visiting, ready to watch the girls when the time came. Still hadn't packed for the hospital, and was getting ready for relatives to come in that weekend. Outside of the Braxton Hicks contractions, I felt fine, so I went off to run a few errands that morning. I laugh at this now, but I remember talking to my dear friend on the phone at one point that day (who was also almost nine months pregnant and going through early labor as well), and we were trying hard just to get through a conversation without labor pains and telling each other "oh, another one? Okay, breathe!"

I had another friend who had given birth to twins that day, so we went to see her at the hospital. The same one I was scheduled to go to a few days later. The nurse saw me and said, "Careful, with a belly like that you could end up in a room here." Nice, huh? I assured her ... "oh, I'll be back soon." Only I didn't realize how quickly that would be.

After that visit, getting the girls home, fed, bathed and in for the night, I thought I'd start packing for the hospital stay. But, I just want to relax a little while .... "yeah, a little tv sounds good right now." Chris didn't think so. Labor pains started again, every five minutes this time. Uh oh! I called the doctor, but I expected this to pass. No, he said, "let's just do this now. Meet me at the hospital in an hour." And no, I still wasn't packed. Grrr!! Threw some things in a bag, kissed mom and the girls goodbye, and Jon and I headed out.

On Saturday, December 8 at 2:24 a.m., my Santa baby was born. At the moment that I first laid eyes on him, I thought, "he's beautiful", and I knew that my family was complete.

Today, Christopher turned 9 years old. My "baby" is way too big for me to call him that now, but I will anyway. I don't care how old he gets. haha. And this morning before school, when he came to find me to say good morning, I saw my boy, with his heart melting blue eyes and his sweet smile, and thought once again ... "he's beautiful."

Chris -- nine years ago today I received the best early Christmas present a mom could ever have. You are my sweet boy and I'm so incredibly proud of you. I love you, son! Happy Birthday!
