December 18, 2010

Rocker Chicks Gone ... Band Nerds?

You're used to seeing them rocking out on keyboard, guitar, drums or singing tunes like Heart's Barracuda or Osborne's Crazy Train. Oh, that's still happening. Annie and Kate's bands -- Speed Limit 180, Chaotic Ei8ht and now On Target -- are still going strong. But there's one more band the girls are part of now, and they had their first performance with the Wildcat Band this week.

It's been a crazy last month or so. Holiday photo sessions have kept me very busy, and unfortunately, away from blogging as much as I'd like. But I didn't want to let these pics go by undocumented. Yes, I had to brag on my girls ... I'm such a MOM!!! Both Annie and Kate did very well in their first school band performance. You go, girls! Here are my musical beauties!

Have a wonderful weekend! -- S

Kate on clarinet, just before the performance started.

Annie was sitting right in the front, and I was sitting right in the front row with my zoom lens, so I was able to get some great shots of her.

Annie is very proud that she's been taking flute for about two and a half years, and that she is a first chair flutist in beginning band.

Annie and one of her classmates/friends next to her.

Looks like a fist bump in the flute section ...

Jon brought flowers for the girls to congratulate them.

Every once in a while, my night and day twins can look just a little bit alike. In this pic, I think they do. And they both have that same sweet smile!