January 01, 2011

A New Road For The New Year

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Not insomnia, per se. Once I'm out, I'm out, as in "zzzzzzzz" . More like just trouble going to sleep. Yes, one could say that it's all those Starbucks drinks I have (I've often said my blood type is either expresso or Merlot, but I digress ...), but that's not it. I know exactly what the problem is.

As a creative type person, I've always had this dilemma. I start thinking about all the things I want to do with my photography, and my creative muse gets going. Too often that happens late at night, and my ideas start flowing into the wee hours. My brain just goes into overload about all the things I want to accomplish, and it becomes difficult to wind down to sleep. I have tried many different things to change this, but it always comes back to the same situation. With the new year, I'm sure I will be trying to remedy this again somehow.

But, be that as it may, it's not altogether a bad thing. The creativity part, I mean. I so love what I do, and I'm so happy when I'm behind the lens of a camera. For those of you who know me and have heard me talk about my craft, you know that this is a long time love of mine and something of which I am truly passionate. This has not been an easy road for me ... starting this business with being a full time mom of twin tweens and a nine year old, and full of self doubt in my capabilities in the beginning. I've come a long way in the year and a half that I've been in business, and now, I'm pretty excited about the road ahead of me.

With the new year, I have all kinds of goals for my photography business. New photography challenges, different kinds of photo sessions and specials, and maybe testing myself out of my comfort zone a little. So, what about sleep? Yes, I'll work on that too, but right now, I have an exciting, open road ahead of me.

Happy New Year! -- S

Photos courtesy of Kimberly De Araujo

"I sleep all day
When I wake I run in circles in my brain
There are far too many hours to kiss
So I slip into the tempting stillness
I think about [it]
And I look out at the open road.

-- lyrics from Snow by Amie Miriello