January 06, 2011

Crochet Love

It's something I've done most of my life. Since I was 12, in fact -- almost the same age as Annie and Kate. A happy accident, if you will. And though I enjoy other types of creative endeavors, I have to say that it has always been my first "crafty" kind of love.

Crochet -- it's an older kind of hobby, I know. And maybe even Martha Stewart-ish. But it's just something I do when I have a few minutes here and there. I didn't set out to learn it, and even though I have an aunt who crochets, she wasn't the one to teach me. As I said, it was kind of a happy accident. Over a summer in seventh grade, I spent a week with a friend and her grandmother. I do not remember much about about this lady ... her name, what she looked like, where she lived, really anything about her. Except that she taught me how to crochet. And that it has stayed with me, all this time.

Since then I've made lots of blankets and scarves. Mostly because they're hard for me to mess up (but don't get me wrong, I have certainly done my fair share of that too). I have made some things for family and friends, many blankets for my kids, including the heirloom blankets they used in their baptism ceremonies. Many other projects we've kept here at home to enjoy. It's just something about finding a great yarn stash, cuddling up with a crochet project and watching tv during the winter months that I really love. Right now, I'm working on ... ummm .... ANOTHER blanket for the family room. Yeah, I guess in a way, we're kinda like Linus -- we all like snuggling with our favorite blankets that I've made.

So, much thanks to the lady who, albeit randomly and unbeknownst to her, has touched my life in such a "fiberiffic" way. Although I can't remember your name and your face, when I curl up and am stitching away, I do remember your incredible patience in teaching me how to crochet when I was a young girl. I guess you just never know how some people can affect your life in a way that is everlasting.

Here are some pics of a few of my projects over the last few years. Have a great weekend! -- S

"Memories are stitched with love." -- author unknown

Recent blankets for the family room. Most of these are made with two to three strands of yarn at a time so that they're extra warm.

The last blanket I made for Chris. It's also made with two strands of yarn, in a colorful/transitional pattern. He loves this one!

Recent blankets I made for the girls. Annie's is the white/green/blue/dark blue one; Kate's is in the same pattern in pink/cream/orange/dark red.

I love scarves! Here are several that I wear in the winter.