December 18, 2010

Rocker Chicks Gone ... Band Nerds?

You're used to seeing them rocking out on keyboard, guitar, drums or singing tunes like Heart's Barracuda or Osborne's Crazy Train. Oh, that's still happening. Annie and Kate's bands -- Speed Limit 180, Chaotic Ei8ht and now On Target -- are still going strong. But there's one more band the girls are part of now, and they had their first performance with the Wildcat Band this week.

It's been a crazy last month or so. Holiday photo sessions have kept me very busy, and unfortunately, away from blogging as much as I'd like. But I didn't want to let these pics go by undocumented. Yes, I had to brag on my girls ... I'm such a MOM!!! Both Annie and Kate did very well in their first school band performance. You go, girls! Here are my musical beauties!

Have a wonderful weekend! -- S

Kate on clarinet, just before the performance started.

Annie was sitting right in the front, and I was sitting right in the front row with my zoom lens, so I was able to get some great shots of her.

Annie is very proud that she's been taking flute for about two and a half years, and that she is a first chair flutist in beginning band.

Annie and one of her classmates/friends next to her.

Looks like a fist bump in the flute section ...

Jon brought flowers for the girls to congratulate them.

Every once in a while, my night and day twins can look just a little bit alike. In this pic, I think they do. And they both have that same sweet smile!

December 08, 2010

Happy Birthday, Santa Baby!

I remember it being a very busy, crazy day. It was Friday, Dec 7, 2001, and I was nine months pregnant. Anxious and uncomfortable, needless to say. The Braxton Hicks labor pains had started a few weeks beforehand and I was quite frankly, a little nervous and ready for this baby to arrive.

Christopher's due date was actually not until Dec 20, but given his size, time of year, doctor's schedule, etc., we had already decided a c-section would be performed on Monday, Dec 10. My mom was visiting, ready to watch the girls when the time came. Still hadn't packed for the hospital, and was getting ready for relatives to come in that weekend. Outside of the Braxton Hicks contractions, I felt fine, so I went off to run a few errands that morning. I laugh at this now, but I remember talking to my dear friend on the phone at one point that day (who was also almost nine months pregnant and going through early labor as well), and we were trying hard just to get through a conversation without labor pains and telling each other "oh, another one? Okay, breathe!"

I had another friend who had given birth to twins that day, so we went to see her at the hospital. The same one I was scheduled to go to a few days later. The nurse saw me and said, "Careful, with a belly like that you could end up in a room here." Nice, huh? I assured her ... "oh, I'll be back soon." Only I didn't realize how quickly that would be.

After that visit, getting the girls home, fed, bathed and in for the night, I thought I'd start packing for the hospital stay. But, I just want to relax a little while .... "yeah, a little tv sounds good right now." Chris didn't think so. Labor pains started again, every five minutes this time. Uh oh! I called the doctor, but I expected this to pass. No, he said, "let's just do this now. Meet me at the hospital in an hour." And no, I still wasn't packed. Grrr!! Threw some things in a bag, kissed mom and the girls goodbye, and Jon and I headed out.

On Saturday, December 8 at 2:24 a.m., my Santa baby was born. At the moment that I first laid eyes on him, I thought, "he's beautiful", and I knew that my family was complete.

Today, Christopher turned 9 years old. My "baby" is way too big for me to call him that now, but I will anyway. I don't care how old he gets. haha. And this morning before school, when he came to find me to say good morning, I saw my boy, with his heart melting blue eyes and his sweet smile, and thought once again ... "he's beautiful."

Chris -- nine years ago today I received the best early Christmas present a mom could ever have. You are my sweet boy and I'm so incredibly proud of you. I love you, son! Happy Birthday!


December 02, 2010

Waiting for Connor

We're waiting, our family. Waiting for the newest addition to the Hernandez clan. My brother Mike and his wife Meredith are expecting their first child later this month. Last week, while I was in Houston for Thanksgiving, I got a chance to capture some photos of the two of them before Connor arrives.

There is a certain beauty in expectant mothers. That glow about them that is beautiful and unique. The anticipation of a little one on the way and seeing him/her grow inside is just so incredibly special. Since I've had two sisters-in-law with the name Meredith (Jon's sister was also so named), we've always said "your Meredith" and "my Meredith." Truly, with the baby's due date just around the corner and so full of excitement, my Meredith is absolutely RADIANT. Take a look at these pictures, and you'll see what I mean.

Mike and Meredith -- I cannot tell you how excited I am for you both, and I can't wait to meet my new nephew! Thank you for letting me capture these images during this wonderful time for you. Oh, and you might want to get ready for a little Christmas spoiling ... just saying. haha

With lots of love to you and Connor,
-- S

December 01, 2010

Holiday Photos, With A Little Surprise.

It's been a while, and she's still full of surprises. A year ago, I met and photographed this girl and her mom for the first time. Last year, a then 10 year old Randi showed up to our photo shoot not having known about our session beforehand. Her hair was still kind of wet from getting ready in a hurry, she was on crutches from a soccer injury, and at first she was quiet and withdrawn. Then, she surprised me. After talking to her for a little while and getting her to relax, the model in her emerged, and I got some great photos! Some of my favorite portfolio pics I have are of her from that first photo session.

When I photographed Randi and Christine the second time, we added a little chaos to the mix. Randi was then in a cast from the previous soccer injury (that was a little harder to hide in photos) and we added two great big dogs to our session. Needless to say, there were a few surprises here and there when the dogs came into the picture (yes, pun intended).

So, fast forward a year, and Christine and I talked about another photo session. "Randi's still playing soccer ... uh huh, okay ... oh, and she's a drummer now too. Cool. And no crutches/casts? Okay, very cool. We can get some personality kind of shots of her showing her hobbies", I said on the phone. At the photo shoot, I get there a little early to check out lighting. I'm expecting Randi in sporty gear, or maybe jeans & a t-shirt. What happens? TOTAL GIRL shows up in an awesome dress! And Christine? She looks AMAZING in a hot dress too! Check out their photos ... I love the way these turned out!

Christine and Randi -- thank you once again for another fun photo session! I really love photographing you both! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. All the best! -- S