July 28, 2009

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

It's a game I've played for a long time. I learned how to shoot pool in college (um, yeah ... I went to class ... just did this on breaks, you know!). I'm not especially good at it, but I do like to play. On one of my first dates with my husband, we were out at dinner and missed our movie time. Thinking "what do we do next?," he was trying to be all romantic and came up with different ideas. I said, "let's just go have drinks and shoot some pool." He says that was the moment he fell in love with me. (Wow, who knew guys really are that easy)?!

The night before leaving Houston, my sister-in-law Kathleen, her husband Fred, and their friends Terri and Trey (see earlier post of them below with their oh so cute dogs!), and I headed out to a billiards hangout to play. I got to shoot a few games, and shoot a few pics too!

.... aaaannndd, there's the game!

Thanks guys, for a fun night!

HAD to play at least ONE game! :)

This was along the side of the bar ... a fitting image for the end of our trip to Houston this summer!

July 24, 2009

It's A Family Affair

We grew up close ... my cousin and me. Almost two years apart in age, we were together a lot, either at her house, mine, or our grandparents' home. As children, we developed that bond as family that is so special and never goes away. She was always a favorite playmate, my Barbie buddy. In fact (I know, Clarissa, you're probably dying as you read this 'cause you know what's coming next, but hey, admit it, it's a cute story!) I still remember asking her to be my maid of honor over a Barbie wedding when we were kids. I was eight, and she was about six or seven. She agreed, and it meant the world to me that she kept that promise 20 years later.

Today, we don't live in the same city, but when we talk, it's like we just pick up where we left off. It still touches my heart that she NEVER forgets to call me on my birthday, and when I'm in Houston, I always try to see her and her family. On this visit, I got to take some family portraits of her, her husband Paul, and their insanely gorgeous kids Ava and Gavin. Thanks so much guys, for letting me freeze frame you and the little ones! I love you lots! xoxo

You would never believe that this girl, not long ago, was once shy for the camera! She would see me pointing the lens her way, and would look the other way/twist/hide/run for dear life before allowing me to take her picture. Now look at her! Yes, I consider this a personal victory!
Love, love, love this picture of Ava! Those beautiful eyes just sparkle!!
It is not easy to catch this little dude! Next time I'm bringing my paparazzi style lens to catch him when he's not looking!

Yeah, there's just something about a piano that draws people to it ... whether they play or not. Ava and Gavin had a good time playing (umm, attacking ...) it. :) But hey, if anyone's used to that, it's me!

July 22, 2009

The Littlest Surfer Dude

What a fun photo shoot this was!  Baby Myles, his mom Cristen, and grandma Rachael posed for me at a nice spot on the Galveston beach.  Even though he's only six months old, it was pretty evident this was not Myles' first time at the beach.  He seemed right at home there!  But, it was his first time to sit and handle sand.  I wanted to be sure and get a few shots in BEFORE his little sandy hands hit his mouth (which they did)!  Such a sweet, happy baby!  

Rachael and Cristen -- I'm so glad to have met you!  Thank you for letting me document Myles at such a special time in his life.  It's easy to see that he is a lucky -- and very loved -- little boy!

I always loved my kids' baby shoes!  I HAD to got a shot of these.  Of course, I really don't think Chris ever had sandals this small (yeah, even as a newborn)!

This one is my favorite!  Such a sweet, tender moment with baby, mom and grandma!

Rachael and Myles, in another sweet moment!

Believe it or not, this picture was NOT set up nor planned ... totally spontaneous!  I looked up and saw Cristen heading towards the water with Myles, kicked off my flip flops and just started shooting. Love this one too!

Myles seemed right at home in the water!
Even though he'd just had a nap, I think we kind of wore poor little Myles out with the photo shoot!  He seemed perfectly content to hang out with Grandma once we were done!  A little bottle time and he's thinking, "it's all good!" 

Tom, Tara, Shane and Sloan: Family Pics

It was all set ... a nice family portrait day at Helen's Garden.  Beautiful flowers, pretty fountain, lush greenery, and nice walkways everywhere. But it seemed that Mother Nature had different ideas.  The weather had been threatening rain, but so far, so good.  On my way there, I thought, "maybe we'll luck out."  Wouldn't you know ... just when I turned into the parking lot, I swear Annie Lennox could have been on the radio singing to me "here comes the rain again." Murphy's Law, for sure!  Fortunately, it was a just a short rain shower and after a little time (and careful coordination not to get too wet), Tom, Tara, Shane and Sloan were able to get these pictures done after all.

I really love being able to capture family pictures in a relaxed, natural setting. Formal portraits definitely have its place, but this is more fun, especially for kids.  Both the boys did great for the camera, especially when there was any climbing to be had!  

Much thanks to Tom and Tara for allowing me the opportunity to take pictures of you and your sweet boys!  They really are ah-dor-able! 

July 20, 2009

Pictures and Puppy Palooza in the Park

When my sister-in-law Kathleen offered to help me schedule some photo sessions, I was very quick to ask "what about Terri?" I had met her at one of Kathleen's bridal showers, and I knew that she'd be great to photograph!  She graciously agreed, along with her boyfriend Trey and their two dogs, Praline and Stella.  So although it was hot, it had just rained and the grounds were wet, I was excited to get these pictures of them all.  

Terri and Trey ... thanks again for the opportunity to do the photo shoot with you guys.  I hope you enjoy the pics!  

July 10, 2009

... and here are the winners for the "Austin's Most Photographed Children" award!

Since I'll be posting examples of my photography here on this blog, you should meet three of my favorite subjects ... my kids. And the title of this post is really no joke ... they probably are, most likely among the most photographed children in the Austin area! They actually call me "the mamarazzi." Ya think? These are the portraits I took of them in lieu of the school photos that this last semester, I just didn't like at all, and well, just didn't buy either. I think the mamarazzi photos came out a whole lot better!

Here are my twin daughters, Annemarie (in green), and Kathryn (in pink), and my son Christopher . I'm really lucky to have such gorgeous and photogenic children!

July 09, 2009

Some Things Are Just Meant To Be

It seems that the writing has been on the wall all along. I've been in love with pictures almost all my life. Growing up, my mom always had a lot of photos around, and I loved looking through them and hearing the stories behind them. Since the time I was first able to handle a camera, I've loved the sense of capturing moments in time, remembering days that were important to me and creating memories that are close to my heart.

On my eighteenth birthday, my brother David gave me what I consider one of the best gifts I've ever received ... my Nikon EM 35mm film camera (which I still have, by the way!). One of my fondest memories of my senior year in high school was learning to use that camera while taking pictures of my friends. Since that time, I attended college, graduated, married, and worked in a different career path, and later became a stay at home mom to my three children. But all the while, photography has been a constant in my life. With several camera upgrades along the way, I've continued to take those pictures, document those memories, capture those moments in my family and friends' lives. Besides the artistic high I get when I get a great shot, it's all so rewarding to me to see the joy in the faces of those whose loved ones I've captured somehow. When I able to photograph someone showing an aspect of personality not normally seen, or tell a story that can't always be described in words, or just catch a once in a lifetime moment, THAT makes it so worthwhile for me.

Fast forward to today -- I'm proud to launch my new photography business, Brogdon Images. I'll be updating my pictures on this site, so stay tuned! Just a few acknowledgements and words of thanks ... first to my family and friends over the years for putting up with me photographing them to no end; secondly, to Ray and Debra Malkiewicz at Ever After Images in the Austin area for giving me the opportunity to work with them as a photographer's assistant and unselfishly sharing the wealth of knowledge they have in the industry; and last, but certainly not least, to my husband Jon and our three children for supporting and encouraging me to start this endeavor of mine. I'm very blessed and lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people! Here are a few pictures of me over the years, with cameras in hand. So yeah, it may have taken me a long time to come full circle, but I guess some things are just meant to be.