August 31, 2010

Remembering Nic's Birthday

One of the things I like about Facebook is that it's always there to remind you of birthdays. As I've said in earlier posts, I'm usually one to remember special days of my loved ones and friends. Today, when I signed on to Facebook there were three people with a birthday today (Happy Birthday ladies!!). But there was one more that I was reminded of too.

My nephew and godson, Nic, would have been fifteen years old today. I have many special memories of being there when he was born, when Jon and I baptized him, and reading and playing with him when he was little. In later years after we moved to Austin, we didn't get to see him as much, but I always tried to hang out with him when we were in Houston. I knew he liked playing with my kids, and liked going places and just being with them. He died almost five years ago in a car accident, and we miss him a lot!

As Nic's godmother, it was my job to keep a watchful eye over him. But now as an angel in heaven, I'm sure he's returning the favor and smiling upon us. Today, I wanted to make sure he knew I was smiling back at him. Happy Birthday, Nic ... miss you, sweetie!

Aunt Sylvia

Nic, at about a year old.

Kate, Nic and Annie, celebrating his birthday at The Aquarium in Houston -- Sep2004

Nic -- Sep2004

This was taken at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, just a few months before he passed away. It is the last picture I took of him, so it goes without saying, it is an incredibly special photo to me.

Nicholas Scott Spears
August 31, 1995 -- September 23, 2005

August 27, 2010

Guest Blog From The Dog: Sasha Says

Hey, it's me ... Sasha again! Well, it's been about three weeks since I moved into my new home. Yeah, I pretty much run the place now. I mean, really ... how hard could that be? I get up (often in the middle of the night) and just make a lot of noise until they come and get me out of the 'ole kennel kube, eat, drink, pee and poop (where is still a matter that we're working on ... get back to you later on that one), play, and look pretty darn cute! Believe me, the last item is not that difficult, if I do say so myself!

Now that I'm officially two months old and have grown into a full 3.5 pounds, I have developed, shall we say, a personality all my own. My name may be Sasha Rose, but my owners don't call me Sasha Fierce for nothing. I fully believe in living up to that nickname! For those of you who don't already know, I'm what some people may call just a wee bit feisty. I like to growl, nip on ankles (don't you think ankle bracelets are just the best??), and run through the house with my mommy's flip flops. And now, I like running through the backyard at full speed ... check out my mini video on YouTube here:

Well, it's been fun updating you on my latest and greatest, but gots to go, peeps! There's a chew toy that I simply MUST attend to now. But check out my photos from yesterday when I was out with my mom running errands. She seems to really like this place called Starbucks, 'cause we like go there everyday! I'm hoping they'll learn how to take my drink order soon, but I don't think they understand "woof" just yet!

Peace and Paws Out! -- Sasha

This is me ordering my drink in the drive thru at Starbucks. Mommy's drinks are a little on the chocolate and complicated side. Me? Oh, I'll just have a venti ice water ...

I can't really drink it like this, but sleeping next to it ... that's just awesome! (Mom took these pics with her iPhone. At least she didn't have that big annoying Canon thing with her this time)!

August 18, 2010

Little Miss Lily

There she was. So cute, so tiny. Sweet baby Lily, just under a month old. Last week, I had the privilege of taking pictures of her with her family. Her mother and I spoke many months beforehand to make these arrangements. Needless to say, I was looking forward to meeting this little lady and taking her pics!

Besides her mom and dad, Lily's family also include members of the canine persuasion. Yes, two rather large dogs that we really wanted to try to include in a family photo. Her mom, Elizabeth, said "I know they may not be cooperative, and it might be hard, but I'd like to give it a try." After a few minutes with these dogs and letting them get their wiggles out, so to speak, I thought they might chill a little and let me get a few shots in. YES!! The stars aligned ... and voila! ... Lily, Mom, Dad, big dog, and even bigger dog all in the picture!

Elizabeth and Patrick -- thank you so much for allowing me to document Lily and all her preciousness! She reminds me so much of each of my own daughters ... one in her looks, the other in her personality. It is easy to see that she will bring so much joy to your lives, and that she is indeed a lucky little girl to have such loving parents. I hope to be able to photograph her again very soon!

All the best! -- S

Had to get a shot of this ... a special bracelet made especially for Lily from a relative.

In the strength of Daddy's arms ...

... and in the warmth of Mommy's love.

A family shot ... Elizabeth, Patrick, Lily AND the dogs. Okay, the last two weren't exactly looking at the camera, but it still counts, right? :)

August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

I've always been one to remember birthdays. This day, that is especially true. Today, August 17, is my mother's birthday, what would have been her 73rd. Since her passing almost five years ago, I've had mixed emotions about this day.

In the first few years, I dreaded it. With a passion. Cried for weeks up until the day, not really knowing how I was going to get through it. With time, that passed, although the sting of remembrance and her being gone is still there. The third year, her birthday brought much happier news. That was the day we moved into our new home. A home, I feel for many different reasons, she helped us to be able to have. Since then, her birthdays always bring out those mixed emotions in me ... sad, of course that she's gone, yet happy for what I feel is the wonderful gift, and legacy even, that she left behind.

My mother gave me many gifts in life, that are countless and incredibly special to me. For these things and my memories of her, I am grateful -- today and always.

-- S

My mother's senior class picture
Jeff Davis High School, 1956 -- Houston, TX

One of my favorite pictures of my mom in her later years. So peaceful and calm with her recent retirement.

My mom, my brother David and I, at my childhood home in Houston.

Mom, David and I just after my fifteenth birthday party.

A lot of people say I look like my mom. One day soon after she passed away, these two pictures somehow randomly fell together in my stacks and stacks of photos. And then ... it hit me ... uhhh, yeah! I guess I do. :)

JoAnn Olivares Hernandez
August 17, 1937 -- December 7, 2005

August 10, 2010

Ten Things About Velcro Boy

Most of you have probably heard by now ... I call my son The Velcro Boy. Why? The name really kind of speaks for itself. He's almost always, RIGHT THERE. Behind me. Next to me. Somewhere nearby, lurking about. Sure, he likes to go to school and play with his friends, play football. All that stuff. But he's pretty much a mama's boy. And I admit, there are times I like it that way. :)

My little dude can say and do the funniest things sometimes. Here are ten little factoids about him that you may or may not already know.

1) Although he prefers his nickname Chris to all others, he will answer to just about any of the several names he's called. Topher, Buddy, Dude, Homeboy (that's the one Jon calls him) ... it really doesn't matter. He'll respond to them all pretty equally. Just don't call him Bam Bam ... he doesn't like that one ... and he's getting big enough to knock you around a little bit. I promise it would hurt too.

2) He tells all his stories the LONG way. When he starts with "do you remember when ... ", sit back and take a chair. You're gonna be there a while.

3) He's really a creature of habit. Gets the same meals in the same restaurants, and generally does the same things on a routine basis. We're working on learning the whole variety is the spice of life thing.

4) Chris loves riding his bike. Just don't ask him to park it in the garage. The yard or even just in front of the garage ... yeah, to him, that's way better.

5) He can play the piano a little, and can sight read music well. But air guitar?? That's his weapon of choice in the car. (There ARE air guitar contests ... hmmmmm).

6) Speaking of music, have I told you how he loves to sing? The words, though? Those are just irrelevant details that distract from his listening pleasure.

7) Dude loves his peanut butter. I mean, seriously .... spoons it right out the jar. Just like his dad. Those two ... geez!

8) Chris likes all colors, but prefers the color blue, especially in his clothes. Once we told him that color made his eyes POP, that's what he likes to wear. Dress to impress, that's his motto!

9) Speaking of eyes, my Buddy Blue Eyes (another nickname) has the longest eyelashes. Check out the photos below and you'll see what I mean. Just love them!

10) As big and rough as my little guy may look, he really is a sweetie with a good heart. :)

So these are a few randoms about my little man. Third grade this fall, and a crazy football schedule coming our way. That's okay. He's my sweet boy and he's happy.

And I wouldn't have him any other way.

Have a good Wednesday! -- S

August 07, 2010

Guest Blog From the Dog -- Meet Sasha Brogdon!

Well, I'm finally here! After a long awaited time, I have arrived at my new home. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Sasha Rose Brogdon. I am a six and a half week old Maltipoo. What is a Maltipoo, you ask? That is a fancy term for a mix of Maltese and poodle. In other words, I'm a designer dog, bred to have to the personality of a Maltese and the non-shedding hair of a poodle. I am way cute, fluffy, very snuggly and really playful!

I was born on June 23 in League City, TX. I am cream colored with a little bit of red markings beneath my eyes. My owners decided to name me Sasha, after the mascot at their alma mater, the University of Houston. Rose, my middle name, is a nod to the color red, a UH color. At the moment, I weigh .... are you ready for this? wait for it ... a whopping 1.86 pounds. Yeah, I'm pretty teeny tiny right now. I should get to be about 10 to 12 pounds when I'm fully grown.

My owners' relatives have my sister (from another litter), Pinnie, who you've seen pics of here on the blog. (Isn't my big sis super cute??) Today, I was brought to my owners, so that they could finally take me home with them. It's going to take some getting used to with three kids who make a lot of noise and want to pick me up all the time, a kind of tall guy with looks like Mr. Clean, and this lady who points this black thing at me that says 'Canon' in front of it and it goes 'snap' a lot. Sheesh! Enough already!

So it seems that my family is into music, photography and computers. I've only been home a little while, but I've already checked a few things out here. Check out my pics ... you'll see I've already made myself at home.

Here I am on the piano .... ♫ "and they called it, puppy love ... ♫

Here I am on the drums ... ♫ "you ain't nothing but a hound dog ..." ♫

And here I am writing this blog post ... so hard to type without opposable thumbs, ya know?

Anyway, here are a few other pics my owner and that Canon thing attached to her face took of me. I guess as 'puparazzi' as she seems to be I better get used to that, right?

Can't wait to meet everyone! Until then ...

Peace & Paws Out!! -- Sasha

Me and the puparazzi lady.

These guys already got lots of toys for me. Sweeet!

Me with one of those girls that won't put me down or let me sleep. That's okay ... we have F-U-N at playtime!

Me and the other girl who won't leave me alone. From what I hear, this one bugged the puparazzi lady for three years to get a puppy like me. I LIKE HER!!

Me, looking AH-DORABLE!

I'm loving this new home and family so far, but all this excitement made me SLEEEEPPY! Nighty night, folks!

August 06, 2010

A Little Wine, Anyone?

Jon and I picked up a new hobby of sorts a little over a year ago. It started with a movie night at home. We decided to have dinner along with the show and wanted something a little different. I had seen some interesting wine and cheese at the grocery store, and having had this with some friends before (and secretly also just not feeling like cooking that night), I thought that might be a good idea to try again. I picked up a bottle of red wine, manchego cheese, grapes, and crackers, and thought "awesome ... THIS is dinner!"

With our busy lives and three kids, I don't always get to cook, so our wine and cheese nights have become a favorite standby. In the past year, my wine tastes have changed and developed. Reds are the preference here, and we've tried various kinds. I have to admit I've gotten a little snooty about which wines I'll drink and those I won't. (Yes, got a little wine snobbery goin' on, but life is too short to drink bad wine, right??). But no matter what, we always, always, always, save the corks!

Today, I gathered up all the corks we've saved and put them in this glass container, and well, there were a lot of them! Yeah I know, it looks bad, but hey ... it's over the course of a year and we share our wine when friends/relatives come over too ... so there! ha! ha! I think I'll keep the corks there for a while. It will be nice to look at it from time to time and think about our wine discoveries and good times with friends in our house. That, to me, is a criteria for a good wine ... it should start and end with a smile.

Have a good weekend! -- S

"Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used."
-- William Shakespeare, Othello (one of my favorites)

August 04, 2010

Photog Phrendz Walk Pics

This past Sunday, I had an opportunity to participate in a photography session in downtown Austin. It was a photo walk in the Austin Warehouse District, with five models of various ages, hosted by Shot of Whimsy Photography and Holly B. Photography. Yes, it was hot outside, but the golden hour lighting was beautiful!

Much thanks goes to our gorgeous models for the day, and of course to Tina and Holly for organizing this great event! It was such fun meeting all the other photographers, sharing ideas and just snapping away. Can't wait for the next walk! Hopefully, next time, I'll have my 'photo shoot boots', like the ones pictured below. :)

-- S

Really love these boots! I want a pair like this for photo shoots. Who am I kidding? I just want a pair!

August 01, 2010

Puppy Pics For Me??

Lots of photographers specialize their work in a certain, specific type of photography. Family portraits, weddings, sports -- whatever the case may be. I like a variety of types, but for the most part, as I've noted here before, I shoot people ... with my camera, that is. But today, I took a few pics of my niece puppy, Pinnie, and well, I might have to include pets in my list of photo subjects now. We'll see how that goes, but in the meantime, check out how cute these pictures of her turned out!

Have a great Sunday! -- S

Pinnie knows how to work that fur bling on her collar! ha!

... and the silver bling on the collar front too!

My sis-in-law Kathleen just loves this little dog!

This one is my favorite! We were hanging out at Christopher's football practice and she was just loving being in the grass.